Tuesday 27 September 2011

reading fairytales to the blind.

i had my heart pulled again today. those heart things are getting as week as violin strings. i hate when guys lead you on. you can never tell what they're thinking. then take your hand and tell you sweet nothings then leave you standing all on your own whilst they walk down their yellow brick road and live happily ever after.
im still trying to find my fairytale. i just keep finding frogs.
but you gotta stay strong dolls. pick yourself up and piece yourself together. just now my life is jigsaw and im missing a few pieces. and i tell you its one of the hardest jigsaws ive ever done. dont change you are for anyone. because at the end of the day they will come and go - you are there your whole life. find you, be you and stay you. everytime they knock you down, get up stronger and never stop fighting. when you feel a lightweight in the boxing championship final, when the tears stream down your face, when youre crumbled on the floor, when you feel all alone in the world, when youre down and disappointed, just remember you have you. pick yourself up and keep going. just smile. it helps, believe me. and i know i make it sound like its easy - its not - i really know, ive been there. you are a survivor, going through life you will get your battle scars but just keep going and when it gets tough, stand up taller.
my last piece of advice: stay away from the frogs, theyre not worth it and not worth you.

stay jagger

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